Sunday, November 26, 2006

Here we go

Christmas is a coming, the goose is getting fat, we'll eat the budgie if we can get it before the cat. My house is going to fill up with pink plastic crap, and now with Peter, 'Cars' plastic crap. So, with this in mind, I'm wandering round the house with a big black plastic bag, getting rid of anything I don't like the look of, creating space for Xmas orgy of toys. Here's some random photos; if you're not immediate family you're probably not interested, but as a clue, if you see anything you recognise in these pics... we don't want another one, thank you.

Bit worried about Peter's choice in pink sparkly shoes.

1 comment:

jbaker said...

'Bout's been 18 days since the last entry ya know. We all thought your wife took away your internet privileges.